Travis Meeks currently resides in central Florida where he is a therapist specializing in addictions and substance abuse for a private clinic. Dr. Meeks is also a pastoral counselor, licensed minister with a Doctorate in Divinity from a small non denominational ministry, as well as training through the Southern Institute of Neurolinguistic Programming in Classical, Ericksonian and Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques of Hypnosis.
The Southern Institute is a recognized provider of hypnosis certification by the State of Florida, Dept. of Business and Professional Regulation. Travis has always had an intense interest in the occult and in spiritual warfare, exorcisms and mysticism, as well as esoteric Christianity and various paths of spirituality, with a special interest in angelology.
His varied background includes: Adjunct professor of psychology, sociology and social psychology for a small private college in Florida for two years, fraud investigator for the State of Florida as well as social worker, and educator for the American Cancer Society.
He is currently a Knight Chevalier of the Teaching, Healing and Chivalric Order of St. Raphael and the Universal Brotherhood, a Christian fraternal order following a mystical and esoteric Christian path. Dr. Meeks provides online pastoral counseling through his website.