The Light Shineth in Darkness

Editor: Travis Meeks Assistant Editor: Aaron Leitch


GNOSTIC CROSS explores mysticism from a Christian and Gnostic perspective, the bridge to the Divine and inner space. Topics include but are not limited to Christian mysticism, Gnosticism, Kabballah (Christianized or related path), Christian/Gnostic Theurgy and Thaumaturgy (Magic), communities and orders, mystics, Magdalene studies, Marian studies, discussion of the Sophia, and mystical and esoteric churches. The title "Gnostic Cross" embraces the Cross of Christianity with the ideas of Gnosticism and the ezine itself is a cross between many different schools of thought and belief in these areas. Other topics might include by way of example Renaissance Magicians, articles on Gnosticism to include discussion of Simon Magus, articles on saints and martyrs, modern day esoteric Christian orders, Sophia as Wisdom, secret orders, the Three Kings or Magi and many others. Art, poetry, editorials, letters to the editor and other contributions are welcome as well. Submissions may be sent to Travis Meeks.

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